G.A.P POMS (Product Monitoring and Optimization System)



The PCMD-12P is a interface device to link your process to G.A.P-OSM.
It is a LAN based device which can be used to connect and collect data from 12 stations.
A typical usage example is, to monitor the cycle time. Each cycle time can be recorded and a report indicating the shortest cycle time, average cycle time, number of stoppages and the time duration of each stoppage, number of cycles run since the last reset etc..
Accessories like limit and micro switches, cables of specific length and suitable connectors to fit on the process machine or work station are also available.
Customized fitment of sensors and switches is also available.


PCMD with Wifi

G.A.P offers a full Hardware solution to help you monitor and improve Productivity and help your industry become smart and move towards 4.0.
The solution includes Sensors which can be fitted on to any machine or work station or end of line. These Sensors, directly or through Extension Cables can be coupled to the ports of the PCMD device. Each device (PCMD) has 12 ports which can accommodate 12 stations or machines.
The PCMD device gets connected to the cloud through a LAN cable or WiFi Access point. Subsequently the data collected by the Sensors is sent to the Cloud Server where it is stored and processed for reporting and analysis.


PCMD- 12P- LAN is a interface device to link your process to G.A.P-OSM. It is a LAN based device which can be used to connect and collect data from 12 ports. It uses 9V power supply and Ethernet and uses RJ45 connector to collect digital input from limit switch or application sensor and directly punches data into software and the output can be seen in G.A.P-OSM software.

Attendance Machine

G.A.P Attendance Machine is used to monitor the employee movement and allows an employer to maintain a record of  employees working hours, late arrivals, early arrivals, time taken on intervals,  absenteeism and other record. It also helps to control the over-payments and reduce the deductions of employees. Automated time machines enables employees to touch and identify themselves for recording their working hours when they enter or leave their working area. The punches from the machine can be seen as output in the G.A.P OSM software.

Machine Monitoring Display Device (MMDD)

A Machine Monitoring Display Device (MMDD) is installed on each machine and it continuously displays the count ( Number of cycles run ) in the day. It also offers thru a touch screen, a menu wherein the part drawing, its process sheet, the LPA sheet, statistics of the run cycles and a graph of cycle time / count can be seen.It will also show the Quality Approval Status and Quality Alerts if any. In case of Machine stoppage, it sends a SMS alert to the escalation authorities in a time phased manner.
The MMDD shows data of only the machine on which it has been fitted and the port on which it has been configured.

Factory Monitoring Display Device ( FMDD )

A Factory Monitoring Display Device ( FMDD ) is a hand held display device which is normally to be used by the Line In-charge, HOD and Senior Management who wish to see the actual working of the plant in Real Time.
The FMDD is similar to the MMDD but it has the option to select any Machine (PORT) in any Shop or Department ( PCMD) in the Plant.

Interactive Inspection Display Device ( IIDD)

An Interactive Inspection Display Device ( IIDD) is a hand held device, which is to be used by the Quality personnel. It can be carried by the Inspector to the Machine where the part is being processed. He can see the parameters to be inspected on the device and he can also enter his measurements / observations in the device. The resultant Part Approval or Rejection will be communicated on the MMDD for the knowledge and subsequent working of the Operator. The status on his screen will be displayed as : Waiting Inspection Approval / Inspection Approved / or Non-Conforming.. STOP Production.

GAP OSM Servers


In computing, servers are computer program or devices that provide functionality for other programs or devices. This Architecture is often called client-server architecture. Servers provide different functionalities which are often known as "services".  Servers also enables your company to serve multiple clients at the same time and can also enable your clients to use multiple servers. Client–server systems are used most frequently today and are also known as request-response model- the client sends the request to server, that performs some action and then revert back to the client, with a acknowledgement.